Archive for October, 2019

How to send confidential news tips to lohud and USA Today

A Message From Usa Today Network

On April 8, 1985, the paper published its first special bonus section, a 12-page section called “Baseball ’85”, which previewed the 1985 Major League Baseball season. Initially, only its front news section pages were rendered in four-color, while the remaining pages were printed in a spot color format. Although USA Today had been profitable for just ten years as of 1997, it changed the appearance and feel of newspapers around the world. Bradley and his team also enunciated a new vision statement for Ciba Vision—“Healthy Eyes for Life”—that was meaningful to all parts of the business. It underscored the connections between the breakthrough initiatives and the conventional operation, bringing together all employees in a common cause and preventing organizational separation from turning into organizational fragmentation.

A Message From Usa Today Network

It also called out then-President Barack Obama and other top members of the Democratic Party for what they perceived as “inaction” over several issues during 2013–14, particularly over the NSA scandal and the ISIL beheading incidents. Since the campaign targets Millennials and Gen Z, the nonprofit foundation is expanding its social presence and network of influencers and has a new website,, with recipes and ideas.

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The three business heads met daily to review stories and share ideas. They also trained print reporters in TV and Web broadcasting, outfitting them with cameras so they could file stories simultaneously in different media. A “network editor” was hired to help print reporters shape stories for broadcast media.

  • The moves quickly paid off, as the reporters realized that their stories would reach a much broader audience—and that they would have the opportunity to appear on TV.
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  • On September 14, 2012, USA Today underwent the first major redesign in its history, in commemoration for the 30th anniversary of the paper’s first edition.
  • Sports Weekly added coverage of NASCAR on February 15, 2006, lasting only during that year’s race season; and added coverage of NCAA college football on August 8, 2007.
  • From 1999 to 2002 and from 2004 to 2015, the editorial page editor was Brian Gallagher, who has worked for the newspaper since its founding in 1982.

And both leaders backed up their actions with new incentive programs that institutionalized the new management approach. Almost every company needs to renew itself through the creation of breakthrough products and processes, but it shouldn’t do so at the expense of its traditional business.

CLOSE Cindy Watts, country music/celebrities reporter USA Today Network/Tennessee (Photo: George Walker) Is Dolly…

We found that the organizational design and management practices employed had a direct and significant impact on the performance of both the breakthrough initiative and the traditional business. In our examination of 35 different attempts at breakthrough innovation, we discovered that businesses tend to apply one of four organizational designs to develop and deliver their innovations. More than 90% of those using the ambidextrous structure succeeded in their attempts, while none of the cross-functional or unsupported teams, and only 25% of those using functional designs, reached their goals. To A Message From Usa Today Network flourish over the long run, most companies need to maintain a variety of innovation efforts. They must constantly pursue incremental innovations, small improvements in their existing products and operations that let them operate more efficiently and deliver ever greater value to customers. An automaker, for example, may frequently tweak a basic engine design to increase horsepower, enhance fuel efficiency, or improve reliability. Companies also have to make architectural innovations, applying technological or process advances to fundamentally change some component or element of their business.

A Message From Usa Today Network

The failure to achieve breakthrough innovations while also making steady improvements to an existing business is so commonplace—and so fascinating—that it has become a battleground of management thought. For decades, scholars have spun theories to explain the puzzle and offered advice on how to solve it. Some have argued that there’s no way out of the conundrum—that established companies simply lack the flexibility to explore new territory. Some have suggested that big companies adopt a venture capital model, funding exploratory expeditions but otherwise staying out of their way. Others have pointed to cross-functional teams as the key to creating breakthrough innovations. Still others have claimed that a company may be able to shift back and forth between different organizational models, focusing on exploitation for a period and then moving into exploration mode. Established companies can develop radical innovations and protect their traditional businesses.

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First, we determined their success in creating the desired innovations, as measured by either the actual commercial results of a new product or the application of practical market or technical learning. Did results hold steady, improve, or decline as the firm worked on its breakthroughs?

A Message From Usa Today Network

On September 14, 2012, USA Today underwent the first major redesign in its history, in commemoration for the 30th anniversary of the paper’s first edition. Developed in conjunction with brand design firm Wolff Olins, the print edition of USA Today added a page covering technology stories and expanded travel coverage within the Life section and increased the number of color pages included in each edition, while retaining longtime elements. The “globe” logo used since the paper’s inception was replaced with a new logo featuring a large circle rendered in colors corresponding to each of the sections, serving as an infographic that changes with news stories, containing images representing that day’s top stories. Another company that has used an ambidextrous organization to spur growth through radical innovation is Ciba Vision. Established in the early 1980s as a unit of the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Ciba-Geigy , the Atlanta-based Ciba Vision sells contact lenses and related eye-care products to optometrists and consumers.

USA Today Sports Weekly

To compete, companies must continually pursue many types of innovation—incremental, architectural, and discontinuous—aimed at existing and new customers. Plotting your companies’ innovation efforts in the matrix below will immediately reveal any areas you may have overlooked. Receive DCN’s weekly newsletter, InContext, full of our top stories, delivered straight to your inbox. Trump’s election has created “a sense of urgency” among news organizations to find better ways to protect their sources, said Trevor Timm, director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, which helped develop the whistle-blower system. The system was developed amid a series of leak investigations under President Obama’s administration in which federal agents secretly accessed reporters’ phone records to identify their sources, USA TODAY reported. The other tool involves the USA TODAY Network, which includes The Journal News. The network has launched a secure website for sources who want to share information with reporters covering government institutions from city halls to the White House.

Who is Michael E Reed?

Michael E. Reed is the CEO of Gatehouse Media, the largest publisher of daily newspapers in the United States as measured by distinct publications. In 2019, Gatehouse Media merged with the mass media holding company Gannett.

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